Proud to be a Scanner

In college, I changed my major 4 times.

I used to feel deep shame over others seeing me as indecisive. For having a new hobby every 3 weeks. For being unsure of my career direction, because choosing one path meant “not choosing” another one.

I noticed that while I felt a desire to pursue a vast number of different paths, society seemed to expect me to feel a calling toward just one thing. So many people around me were saying things like “Since I was a kid I wanted to become an engineer,” or “I always knew I would go into the creative industry.” How did everyone else seem to have an internal compass? Where did that come from?

I didn’t have just one passion, and I thought that meant something was wrong with me.

Then I found out there’s actually a name for this. Late author and motivational speaker Barbara Sher calls us “scanners.” Scanners tend to do just what the name implies: they take in all of the options and feel drawn toward all or many of them. She writes about this in a book I wholeheartedly recommend called Refuse to Choose. 

When I read Barbara’s book, I felt more seen than I had at any point in my adult life. What I’m experiencing is normal! And there are other people like me! I devoured the book whole, twice. I took detailed notes. I bought a Scanner’s Daybook. (You’ll know what I mean if you read the book — and you really should.)

Here’s what Barbara taught me: being multi-passionate is a superpower. I love science, and I love writing. I love dogs. I love playing music and teaching. I love psychology and the theories behind it. I love birding and reading and video games. And gardening! And weightlifting! And that’s OK! I can celebrate all of my interests in this life. I have time. 

Sometimes, our insecurities just need a little reframing. I’ve learned to embrace my drive to seek out new and exciting things to learn about. I regard it as a gratitude practice, in honor of all of the incredible gifts we have available to us here in this life.

Whenever I discover a new interest or something to learn, it brings me so much joy to know that I’m fulfilling my destiny as a Scanner. It’s not wrong or weird or embarrassing. It’s just me.


On career breaks


On imposter syndrome